Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week 5

We're halfway there! =)
So much we have learned and though so much yet to be learned. This week there were many new things and others not so new ones, but really worth revisiting!
We took a look at rubrics, alternative assessment and PBL learning this week. I had already been introduced to Rubistar Rubrics a couple of years ago, and it has made my life easier ever since. I do believe rubrics play an important role in assessment, because students should be aware of how they are going to be assessed and what is being taken into account. Rubrics can also help them with self and peer evaluation. The discussion group was particularly interesting this week!
We also brainstormed some solutions for the problems we came up with last week. It is really funny (and relieving) to see that many of us teachers deal with the same problems in class. And it is very beautiful to see how willing we all are to help each other, supporting and giving ideas.
This week was very important to me, because I can see the project arising, and I have many ideas I have been trying to put into practice. I am really looking forward to that! =)
There is still one thing on my to-do list: a Webquest. I really liked the idea of creating one, and I do hope I have some time do it next week. I guess it could help me get my students to practice English outside the classroom. Let's see how it goes...


  1. Hi Roberta!
    It's true that we all deal with the same kind of problems in class. And it's nice to see how other colleagues try to sort them out. We all have different ways of approaching our students and of delivering our teaching, so it's interesting to see that contrast.
    I'm also hoping to have some time to create a webquest before the end of the course... fingers crossed! :)
    See you around,

  2. Hi Roberta,

    I agree with you about how we all really do deal with the same problems, regardless of where we teach and which level we teach. That's part of what I love about this course, too. We get the opportunity to share ideas and insights with so many colleagues around the world. Isn't it great to have such a supportive group of new friends?!

