Sunday, May 27, 2012

Week 7

This week we discussed two very interesting topics: one-computer classes and learner autonomy. I have a one-computer class and it was just great gathering new ideas. There's just so much we can do with it! As for learner autonomy, I have always tried to increase it in my classes. It is very hard, because teachers tend to control most part of their students' learning. I include myself in that group. I really have to control myself not to spoon-feed my students and not to have them to just what I want all the time. I believe it is really important and profitable to have students contribute, participate and take hold of their own learning!

The project seems to be getting shape. All the activities I plan and post are related to my project. I have already put into practice some ideas and the results were amazing. I am really excited, and I hope other teachers can get new ideas from reading my project. Now it's time to write everything down, organize the ideas and get more ideas from my partner! =)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week 6

Another week is over.
The best thing about this week was reflecting upon the making of interactive PowerPoints. I've been using PPTs for quite a long time now, but it was only now that I stopped to think of how and why I do presentations like I do. I actually realized I already used to put a lot of interactivity into practice, but it was great to gather new ideas!
The final project is starting to take shape. I have tried to put things together and I have been trying to implement some changes in class, checking what might work and what might not. I find it really important that students have a say in this. They are my part of these changes and will be directly influenced by them, so why not ask them what may be more pleasurable?
Let week 7 begin!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week 5

We're halfway there! =)
So much we have learned and though so much yet to be learned. This week there were many new things and others not so new ones, but really worth revisiting!
We took a look at rubrics, alternative assessment and PBL learning this week. I had already been introduced to Rubistar Rubrics a couple of years ago, and it has made my life easier ever since. I do believe rubrics play an important role in assessment, because students should be aware of how they are going to be assessed and what is being taken into account. Rubrics can also help them with self and peer evaluation. The discussion group was particularly interesting this week!
We also brainstormed some solutions for the problems we came up with last week. It is really funny (and relieving) to see that many of us teachers deal with the same problems in class. And it is very beautiful to see how willing we all are to help each other, supporting and giving ideas.
This week was very important to me, because I can see the project arising, and I have many ideas I have been trying to put into practice. I am really looking forward to that! =)
There is still one thing on my to-do list: a Webquest. I really liked the idea of creating one, and I do hope I have some time do it next week. I guess it could help me get my students to practice English outside the classroom. Let's see how it goes...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 4

4 weeks down, 6 to go! I'm getting each time more excited as the tasks proposed lead us to exploring and learning more and more.
This week we explored some reading and writing resource websites. I did not have time to explore as many websites as I wanted to, but it sure was great to read my classmates comments on many different websites. It gets much easier when you know in advance what you can find in each site! I especially liked the comics websites. I think students are going to have lots of fun!
We also had to create a technology enhanced lesson plan. This was particularly hard. I already make use of technology every class, but how could I make it more interesting and relevant? I decided to create a Facebook group for my class and I hope this will help my students practice English there too!
I'm really looking forward to week 5!